Research shows that inflammation plays a role in just about every dis-ease. ‘Itis’ is the suffix which means inflammation – so you can see that arthritis, colitis, dermatitis, hepatitis, cystitis, thyroiditis, tendonitis and the list goes on… all denote inflammation of a particular organ.
In an acute situation, for example if we sprain our ankle, inflammation is a normal response and helps the injury to heal. However it is when inflammation becomes an every day, chronic response that it can cause problems and lead to dis-ease. Research shows that inflammation is a key mediator in the development of cardiovascular disease, obesity, autoimmune conditions, depression, chronic pain, dementia and many other health conditions that we are seeing on the rise in today’s times. This is partly due to the food we are eating – what we eat can either increase or decrease our bodies inflammatory response.
Inflammatory foods include trans fats and sugar found in fried and processed foods, so these need to be removed from the diet as much as possible. Some of the top anti-inflammatory foods to add to your diet include:
Turmeric: long revered in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, the scientific research behind turmeric’s medicinal use has excelled in recent years. One of the most researched chemicals in turmeric is curcumin which has been shown to display powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
Ginger: another amazing anti-inflammatory spice, research has shown that ginger reduces pain and inflammation in cases of osteoarthritis, migraines and period pain. It can be grated into hot water with fresh lemon, or added to both sweet and savoury dishes for a spicy punch.
Fish: oily fish is a great source of omega-3 fatty acid, a type of fat which stops inflammation in its tracks. Be sure to choose smaller fish, which are lower in heavy metals such as mercury. Salmon, mackerel, anchovies and sardines are good sources.
Nuts and seeds: providing a plethora of minerals, nuts and seeds are also a great source of plant-based omega 3 to reduce inflammation. Walnuts and flaxseeds/linseeds are a particularly high source of omega 3.
Pineapple: one of the main constituents in called bromelain, a phytochemical which is commonly used to reduce inflammation and swelling. It is particularly useful for reducing inflammation of the sinuses and knees. Bromelain is found in highest concentrations of the pineapple core.